A Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit for the Interactive Digital Media Industry (OMDC-funded)

A Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit for the Interactive Digital Media Industry (OMDC-funded)
Author: Interactive Ontario
Title: A Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit for the Interactive Digital Media Industry (OMDC-funded)
Published Year: 2017
Sector(s): Interactive Digital Media
URL: English
Document: English | French
Abstract: Interactive Ontario commissioned this toolkit as a resource for interactive digital media companies regarding best practices for developing a diverse and inclusive workplace, with tailored recommendations for the industry. Based on roundtables with industry representatives, academics and emerging professionals, as well as one-on-one interviews and a scan of existing resources, the toolkit also provides concrete suggestions for companies to become more diverse and inclusive. A list of 20 “top tips” is provided, including establishing having support for diversification strategies at the highest levels of leadership, providing training, refining job descriptions and conducting outreach on an ongoing basis.