Review of the Arctic Indigenous Audiovisual Sector in Canada

Review of the Arctic Indigenous Audiovisual Sector in Canada
Author: Olsberg SPI
Title: Review of the Arctic Indigenous Audiovisual Sector in Canada
Published Year: 2023
Sector(s): Film & Television
URL: English
Abstract: The Study was commissioned primarily to gather data and insight on the challenges that Arctic Indigenous creators are facing in the audiovisual sector, as well as the opportunities. The mandate included making recommendations for improvements in response to a review of challenges facing the sector. Limited research has been conducted in this area to date, so this Study presents as a relatively new area of enquiry. In conducting this review, the Study explores the following key focus areas, current pattern and spread of audiovisual activity across the region, existing support infrastructure for Arctic Indigenous audiovisual creators, including key gaps, key limiting factors hindering Arctic Indigenous audiovisual creators from developing creatively and commercially, opportunities (regional, national, and international) available to the Arctic Indigenous audiovisual sector, and interventions needed to overcome challenges and connect the sector to current and future opportunities.