Skills Scoping Study for the UK’s Digital Content Production Sectors

Skills Scoping Study for the UK’s Digital Content Production Sectors
Author: Olsberg SPI
Title: Skills Scoping Study for the UK’s Digital Content Production Sectors
Published Year: 2023
Sector(s): Cross-Sectoral, Film & Television, Interactive Digital Media
URL: English
Abstract: British Film Institute's in-depth report, Skills Scoping Study for the UK’s Digital Content Production Sectors, identifies the key current skills gaps and shortages – as well as related opportunities for job creation– within the UK’s animation, post-production, VFX, video games and emerging tech sectors (digital content production sectors). Specifically, the study looks at the current picture – Providing an overview of the wider technological and policy factors affecting these sectors, the current key skills and roles required, and the existing skills gaps and shortages. Moreover, the report also shows the future picture – highlighting the required short-term (less than three years), medium-term (three to five years’ time) and long-term (over five years’ time) skills, and how suitable existing training provisions will meet these needs. Lastly, it provides future research needs – Providing recommendations for potential future research and avenues of inquiry.